summer vacation





公主禮服免費體驗: 小朋友入住期間可免費體驗公主禮服換裝,拍下美麗照片留作紀念。


亮點活動:童玩節一日遊建議行程: 我們為您準備了童玩節一日遊行程建議,包括最佳拍照景點、美食推薦,讓您不錯過任何精彩活動。

DIY手工坊: 贈送城堡公主彩繪提袋,讓小朋友體驗手工彩繪的樂趣。


電話預訂: 0966-660565

地址: 宜蘭縣冬山鄉富農路路一段312巷120號


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BirthDay and MarryME

If you book the Queen Castle or Cake Castle , you can get free balloon Decoration

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Family package Travel

if you need the private space , you can book the family package.

In the package have different room type can choose 

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Wedding Project

Wedding Project

Venue Rental Fee: $ 2,000

【Project Including】

  1. Offering  outdoor gardens, indoor shooting.
  2. The shooting project depends on the situation and the regulation is not to affect other tenants of accommodation.


  1. The limited number of shooting staffs are five persons; the additional fee will be charged for 1000 TND per personnel. Please wear the ID badge which is provided; relatives and persons without pay are not allowed to enter The Old England Manor.
  2. The project is limited reserved. Please call 0966-660565 in advance.
  3. Shooting project is not provided on Holidays.
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